Connection + Purpose. To feel connected to my inner wisdom so that I can live a purposeful life.
Without intending to, I’ve developed this gesture, where I point with all fingers of my right hand towards my heart. It’s a clear sign that whatever I am thinking or saying feels true to me; not because someone else says it’s true, or because it’s what I should be feeling is true. It represents the deep connection that I have cultivated with myself, through lots of introspection and reflection, coaching and therapy, practicing self trust and self compassion.
I don’t always feel it. This week, I’ve felt confused and a bit lost, all over the place and feeling like I don’t know myself. But the difference is, I know it’s there; I have felt the power of knowing my own truth and believing it. And so I find comfort in knowing that it’s in me and that whatever is happening this week is also part of who I am.
I trusted that I would come back to myself.
I journaled.
I asked my soul what it would want me to know.
I napped.
I cried.
I listened to Freddie Mercury on repeat.
I talked to my therapist.
I created art (reluctantly at first, but I am so glad I did. It’s hard to use words sometimes to express myself).
I snuggled my dog. I trusted the process. I trusted the connection to myself; that I would find my way back here; to me.
It took me almost 40 years to find this sense of connection to myself. For many years I didn’t even know where to find that part of me that knows the answers. I followed along, sometimes I simply did what was expected; what I thought was expected. Often I acted in a way that an imagined version of myself might. Every now and then I followed my instincts, but I never stopped to actively listen; to pay attention.
It was exhausting.
And I felt disconnected from myself; like whatever the opposite of grounded is; unsteady; flimsy; unsafe. Falling, floating, untethered.
And today, the heavy layers are slowly lifting; I can feel a small change in energy; the world feels just a little bit lighter today. I am going to be okay.
I am connected to myself, my soul, my inner wisdom. I forget sometimes, but when I stop to really listen, I know my wants and needs, my values and truths. Mine, my own.
I feel in charge; playful but sturdy; flexible but grounded. Like a tree.
So what?
Congratulations, you feel connected to your inner wisdom. So what?
It’s so that I can live a full life; a fulfilled life; a meaningful life; one of impact, of purpose.
“Purpose-driven folks have a vision for the fullness of every aspect of their life. They are committed to embodying their purpose by aligning each area of their life with it, such that each area and each relationship is a source of joy, growth, enrichment, expansion, creativity and generativity. They find balance. They have patience for the unfolding of their purpose in these areas, and they stand firm in who they are and what is theirs to do.”
- Brandon Peele (Are you Impact-Driven or Purpose Driven?)
…How to end this personal essay about Purposeful Connection? What is in a name?
No longer am I adrift in the sea of expectations and shoulds; I am anchored by my inner wisdom, guided by my authentic desires, and fueled by a burning purpose.
Nope, that wasn’t me. That last sentence? ChatGPT. A burning purpose?! Not quite, but it made me laugh. So here you go.