WE'RE GOING LIVE!! & a roundup
looking back, what's ahead, an invitation, poll results, and more. A roundup kind of post!
Hello, my friend.
January turned into a planning month for me. I was committed to wait until spring—aligned with nature—but it called to me and I didn’t resist. Today, we reflect on 2024 highlights, review poll results, and explore what’s ahead in 2025.
But first, some news:
of Brooke Makes Things and I are GOING LIVE TOGETHER on Substack to chat and create art! (Honestly, we both wanted to try out the live feature but were too scared to do it alone. So we’re being scared together!)Join us on February 4th at 4PM PST / 7PM EST for stickers, crafts, and chats.
Note: to tune into our live video, you will need to get the app and should turn on push notifications so you receive a notification when we go live.
Looking back: My 2024 highlights
I launched my Purposeful Connection coaching business
I created this newsletter (and then added a second one, Momentum Muse), sent 51 newsletters, and grew my subscriber list from 0 to over 300! Amazing!
My most popular posts were No More Breadcrumbs: I Think I'm Autistic, 16 Things I Want My Fellow ADHD People To Know, and ADHD: Sometimes it’s really, really hard. The common thread: You are not alone!
I hosted a Book Club through which I made wonderful connections.
I continued to create art and include it in my emails here and there - it brings me joy!
I completed my training as a coach and my coaching hours required for my qualification. And I received some WONDERFUL feedback like this:
“Hanna’s guidance has profoundly transformed my outlook and personal growth. Her coaching style is structured yet adaptable, supportive yet challenging. She has an extraordinary talent for creating a safe, encouraging environment while pushing you to explore deeper and achieve more than you thought possible.”
I made wonderful connections and friends here on Substack. I’m so grateful!
Looking ahead: 2025
To explore what 2025 would look like for me and Purposeful Connection, I started with this question:
What am I creating this year?
It includes: art, insights & discoveries, writing, connections, community, experiences, trust, space, alone time.
“Let it unfold…” is how I want to approach it. I will keep an open mind, make space for creativity, and ask the right questions at the right time.
Here is one visual representation of my year ahead (I also have a collage and a map…):
Purposeful Connection Coaching
In 2024, I laid the foundation. In 2025, I intend to submit all of my assignments required for my accreditation, build a home for my business—a website!, and create some structure to make space for creativity & play; all with two coach friends by my side for support.
There will be opportunities for low cost / free coaching—because I love it and because I want it to be accessible. Keep your eyes open for opportunities.
Newsletter: Poll Results & Takeaways
Once I had a broad vision for 2025, I took a closer look at my newsletter and the direction I want it to take. For example, I wasn’t sure how much I still wanted to explicitly talk about neurodiversity and what a deeper connection with you might look like, so I asked!
My takeaways from the poll results are:
89% of you would want to meet up in person; at a coffee shop or for a nature hike. Are we all craving more in-person connection? We will explore friendship next month and I really am curious: Are you craving in person connection?
67% of you said that your interest in neurodiversity is at the special interest level! All of you are at least curious. In true ND fashion, I will see where my own interests take me. I want to explore topics around purposeful connection beyond the core ADHD / autistic experience — but always with a ND lens.
29% of you want more time to think. This year, I will continue to create more spaces for us to get together and think.
Deepen Connection - Chat and Zoom
I want to deepen my connection with you and actually get to know you.
I know many of you are also craving meaningful connection. I can’t force it, and I acknowledge it needs time and a bit of courage on your end, but I’ll continue to invite you into my Zoom meetings. Currently, that includes Momentum Muse and Wicked Wednesday, and more ideas are in the works. I have also started to open up the chat, and will continue to experiment with that.
You are invited!
Momentum Muse - Monday check in to start your week with gratitude & intention.
Wicked Wednesday - Coaching and community support; first Wednesday of every month.
What to Expect in February & March
In February, we are talking about friendship. I started out with confusion and more questions than answers and the most magical thing happened: I reached out to others to explore the topic together and it’s exactly the kind of experience I needed. We’ll neuroqueer friendship together!
In March, when flowers will begin to bloom, we’ll talk about growth and expansion and planning, but not in the strict goal-setting sense. I know for many of you, January is just not the right time to look ahead, and I hope we can make some space for it together in March. (These are tentative plans, y’all know my ADHD might not play along. We shall see.)
What Else?
📱 I’m participating in River Selby’s Sentient Scrolling offer - getting curious about my phone and social media habits in a gentle way. It inspired this little game which received lots of love on Substack Notes.
It’s supposed to help me transition into a break instead of grabbing my phone when I know I need to walk away. Sadly, it looks pretty at my desk, but I’m not using it much! I have been getting more mindful about using my phone, though. Baby steps.
📚 I already read 6 books this year!
👀I tried out video on Substack notes, did you see me?
That’s it for this week…
Take care!
🫶🏻 Hanna
P.S. Please invite your friends to Wicked Wednesday! I know you know at least one person who needs this in their life.
I'm looking forward to sharing the year with you here! 🧡 And I love your paintings and illustrations! I want to make more time for small creative projects like that this year.